Our People
About our people
About our people
A short bio of our new minister, Reverend Arek Malecki.
Unitarians point to their individual conscience, lived experience and reason as the ultimate sources of spiritual authority. In our search for truth and meaning we may reach out to scriptures regarded by many as holy, as well as to secular sources: science, poetry, literature and the arts.
Music has always been important to the ministry and congregation at Great Meeting and musical contributions to our services are actively encouraged. In addition to the regular playing of our organists, over the past year we have had piano, flute, and vocal performances from members of our congregation.
These are events that are open to members of the general public who are very welcome to join us. For more information on our upcoming events visit our What’s On page.
We publish a regular newsletter that helps to keep our congregation informed about forthcoming events, plus articles and comments from contributors.
Photos from Past and Present