Rev Arek Malecki was appointed to ministry of the Great Meeting Chapel in Summer 2023. He is a minister on the Roll of Ministers of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches.
He trained for ministry with the Unitarian College, and studied theology (including biblical studies, biblical languages, and the study of religion) at the Luther King Centre in Manchester. He is especially interested in embodied spirituality and mystical traditions. Additionally, he is a qualified group exercise instructor and sees exercise and physical activity as a form of spiritual practice. As a part of his dissertation research, he interviewed gym class attendees who recognise that there is something of a spiritual dimension happening in those classes.
Arek grew up in Wrocław, Poland as a member of the Roman Catholic Church, and moved to the UK at the age of 18. He discovered Unitarianism thanks to an online quiz and recognised himself in what he’d read about Unitarians. Upon reflection he concluded that he’s been a Unitarian all his life without knowing it. In 2014 he became an active member of Mill Hill Chapel in Leeds where he lived. A while later, encouraged by his minister Rev Jo James, he became a lay Unitarian worship leader and a rite of passage celebrant. He has a past career in the public transport sector, working on various positions, from a bus driver to a manager in a bus depot.
As well as leading most of our Sunday services and mid-week recharge meditations, he conducts ceremonies marking life’s milestones (incl. namings or baptisms, weddings and funerals) and is available to our congregation for pastoral support when needed.
When not at the church or the gym, he can often be found hiking in the countryside with his partner, Jason.